Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Is it time to cohabitate?

So, the other day as James is walking out the door for work, he ever so casually mentions that he wants to marry me. I was upstairs, but I heard him and I shouted back, "You know what the answer would be if you asked!"

Then, he says, "Oh, by the way, let's talk about moving in."

I jumped up and hurried to the top of the stairs. I said, "Hey now! You'd better call me later. You can't just casually say something like that, as you stroll out the door."

He just chuckled and shut the door.

That was a few days ago. Since then, we've spoken briefly about him moving in, but not in full detail just yet.

Last night he asked me what could he do to improve in our relationship. I told him, that he has worked on EVERYTHING I've asked of him. And I was being honest. If you read the older blog entries about our fights or whatever, you'll notice that I haven't blogged about the same issue twice. I think that's commendable.

He is thoughtful, and makes sure I always have extra cash. He cooks, he makes sure we have our date night every month, and he's been more observant and stepping in when needed, WITHOUT my asking. That really means a lot to me. I hate asking for help sometimes. And I think that if James is at my place three or four days out the week, then he should be a contributor to my household. He used to ask me if I needed anything, or if I wanted a particular amount of money every month. I told him, I could always use extra money, but I'd prefer that he simply observe, and then step in. He's been doing exactly that.

Especially in these last few weeks, he has been on top of everything! He even surprised me by washing my car while I was at a conference last week. It was sweet because I had parked my car at the Metro station and caught the train into the city for the weekend.
Of course I told James where I would be parked and I guess he found my car and washed it, because when I went to get my car, after the conference ended, it was all sparkling and shiny. Surprises like that make me smile inside.

When I got home, I saw that the shrubs had been pruned and all the dead leaves raked from underneath them. When I called to thank him, he said he wasn't even finished with the inside of my car and that he would finish during the week.

I told him the car was fine, and I had bigger projects for him to complete around the house. (Painting, laying down a new floor, etc...) 

Anyway, back to last night:

After I told James that I felt he was doing well with everything, I asked him what he would ask me to improve. His answer? He wants me to cook for him more. He wants me to cook for him once a week. I told him I was fine with that as long as he furnished supplies. LOL I eat like a bird, and I don't buy enough for his appetite. He knows that, so he said that he would buy more groceries and stuff. He's also very picky, so I told him to request his meal three weeks out of the month and one week out the month I'll surprise him with something I like to cook and eat. Something international probably.

I think it's a good progression.

As we talked about our relationship, James told me about his day out with his kids and how they were shopping for some school project supplies. Now, normally, James is pretty frugal. I've been sharing with him Law of Attraction principles about generating wealth and how it requires a mindset change. In order to attract more, we have to stop operating from a place of need/lack and operate instead from a mindset of wealth and receiving.

"I listen to you, Sha'ahn," James said proudly. "I spent money without trying to find the best deal and stuff," he said.

He's also become more ambitious. I'm convinced that life is meant to be more than paying bills and working. Life should be easy and enjoyable. That was an area I thought James fell short. He has been working on that too. I signed him up for an Amazon Seller course and he started taking the lessons. He said that he really wants to start his own business again. I told him, I want to partner with him.

He thinks its a great idea. And speaking of partnering, guess who was asking me when are we going to make another video? LOL Right. James did. I was surprised a little. I know I was supposed to post a video weeks ago, but I've been really busy.

Anyway, we will post one soon.

James messing in my hair during a video outtake

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Anonymous said...

More than likely because he is basically homeless and you're the perfect candidate to house him. Duh!

Biz Minded Actor said...

Why throw shade and hate though?

Unknown said...

I don't respond to ghosts

Unknown said...

Ok, ghostwriter, you have my attention. I will not go back and forth on my blog, but if you get some courage, my number is 347-762-8651