Hello to our readers and followers,
Just as I
may miss a week… I may throw a post up unexpectedly, lol.
mental, spiritual…. Are these the only 3 ways to be in love with someone? I guess, we all have to figure out if we
have these 3 first….
For me, with
Sha’ahn, physical attraction was strong out the gate! I told her something the day we met. It was simply me admiring her strong facial
structure, and I told her, though (on the phone before we actually met) I have
not seen her, I could probably close my eyes, and describe her to a sketch artist. THAT is how much I was into her physical. Which a lot of us are like that in the
beginning, so turned on physically. I
still know Sha’ahn is the most beautiful woman in my eyes, but I even
appreciate some things she probably doesn’t think I notice. Things such as her ear lobes, her fingers,
and the way her nose is at the end. I
love Sha’ahn to NO end physically.
When it
comes to the mental, Sha’ahn under estimates her mind. She is brilliant!! She can
get just as deep as you can get. She is philosophical
with her words. She can write her ass
off!! I think she could persuade anyone with her writing skills, hell she has a
writing quill as a tattoo, LOL. This is why I do not like to have
disagreements, or friendly debates with her through text or em. (Probably
should not have said that, but OH well).
She can also speak very well and
with a high level of intelligence. Like
out in public she will be so inviting and make a stranger so comfortable to
talk and listen. LOL, I even think at
times guys actually think she may even possibly be interested in them, but that
is just her personality. AND NO you
would not be able to take her away from me anyways:-). She has that gift. I think she could talk a group into following
her, even if they did not know what they are following her for. Like, “just come on guys, let’s jump, when we
get to the bottom of the waterfall, I will explain more.” I truly love her mentally.
Ok, I will let
you guys in on something, Sha’ahn and I do not have the same exact beliefs
spiritually. She is someone who will ask
you “what is your god’s name, since you talking about him so much” That is not
to put you down or question your mind, but more to see how much faith you have
and where you are truly at with your spirituality. I am more of your basic Christian. Sha’ahn and I love one another spiritually
because we have an energy that we both feel, even when apart. When I say love in a spiritual form, I am
talking on the level of “soulmate”. When
you have that connection to be able to know what your partner is thinking
before they speak it or even if they don’t.
When people are connected like this, regardless of religious
differences, different upbringings, different cultures or ethnicities, they
should go with it, have faith and if it was meant to be than it shall. Do NOT allow society or family dictate your
I think
there is a 4th way to be in love with someone. I think with their heart/ humbleness… So we
are going to make a new word, heartleness
hart-ly-nes (forget spellcheck on this one, lol) By this I mean, you love how kind hearted
your partner is. Not only with you, but
to others as well. It makes you proud or
happy to see them be that way, and be true with it. I think that can also be a turn on. Sha’ahn is a very giving person, and she can
stand down and humble herself when needed.
I think that is a rare trait to find consistently in a person. I love Sha’ahn’s heartleness.
Can anyone
out there think of another way to love someone?
Get at me with any ideas or thoughts..
“But the heart’s
not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love.”- Her
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